Thursday, 15 December 2022

Comparative Literature in the Age of Digital Humanities: On Possible Futures for a Discipline" by Todd Presner

 Hello Everyone,

I am Hinaba Sarvaiya, a student of the English department at MKBU. This blog is my part of Thinking Activities assigned by our pro. Dr. Dilip Barad sir. In this blog based on paper 208: Comparative Literature and Translation Studies. And here I am discussing the article "Comparative Literature in the Age of Digital Humanities: On Possible Futures for a Discipline" by Todd Presner.

Click here to see The Article " Introduction: What is Comparative Literature Today?" by Susan Bassnett


After five hundred years of print and the massive transformation in society and culture. The invention of the printing press aur perhaps the discovery of the new world. With the invention of the printing press communications, literacy, and the state of knowledge completely changed, providing the conditions of possibility for the Reformation,The Enlightenment, the age of humanism and the rise of mass media. The impact of print and the "discovery" of the New World were predicted on networking technology which not only enabled the destination of knowledge into a new cultural and social sphere. The construction of the infrastructure of the internet, the posting of the first web pages and the explosion of real time social networking on handheld devices. In this technology we have in common a contraction of time and space realised through the control and regulations of knowledge, information and bodies.

Key Argument:-

-Age of humanism

-Rise of mass media

-Sharing and transforming humanity and scientific knowledge

-Liberation of humankind

-Three futures for comparative literature in the digital age.

Nicholas Negroponte asserted in his widely optimistic book "Being Digital" for they always have an underbelly: mobile phones, social networking technologies, and perhaps even the hundred dollar computer will not only be use the enhance education, spread democracy and unable global communication but will likely be used to perpetrate violence and even orchestrate genocide in much the same way that the radio and the railway did in the last century.

Paul Gilroy analysed in his study of "the fataljunction of the concept of nationality with the concept of cultural" along the "Black Atlantic", voyages of discovery, enlightenment, and process also mean at very moment voyages of conquest, enslavement and destruction. Indeed this is why any discussion of technology cannot be separated from discussions about formations of power and instrumentalized authority. 

Literary scholar and N. Katherine Hayles, I found myself wondering as we ponder various possible futures for comparative literature in the second decade of the 21st century how to rouse ourselves from the "somnolence five hundred years of print". Medium of print rather it is a medium that has a long and complex history connected to the formation of academic discipline, institutions, epistemology and ideology.

Walter Benjamin did in 'The Arcades Project', it is necessary, I believe, to interrogative both the media and mythologies for the study of literature, culture, and society. Benjamin the montage from the transform historical scholarships by re-focusing attention on what it means to write history, digital media enable us to reformers on the media, methodologies and affordances of print culture in practice of comparative literature. He examined the field a bit more broadly by situating the transformations of the literary visa Vis a versa a set of issues that have emerged over the past decade in the digital humanities.

Digital humanities in an umbrella town to avoid any interdisciplinary practice for creating, interpreting, interrogating and hacking both new and old information technologies. Digital humanities projects are almost always collaborative, engaging humanists, technologists, librarians, social scientists,artists, information scientists and computer scientists etc. 

Jeffrey Schnapp and Todd Presner bahut articulated in various instructions of the digital humanities manifesto it is essential that humanists desert and insert themselves into the 21st century culture words which are largely being defined to fight and win by corporate interest. Why for example were humanist, foundations and University conspicuously even scandalously silent when Google won its book search lawsuit and effectively won the right to transfer copyright of orphan books to itself? By whom and for whom? These are questions that humanists must urgently ask and answer. 

 Todd Presner's point following on Franco Moretti's provocation is to consider comparative literature as a problem that asks for a new critical method to analyse both the print world in the digital age and the digital world in the post print age. The problem of comparative literature is to figure out how to take seriously the range of new authoring and nocations and sharing platforms that have transformed global cultural production. Moretti has already indicated one possible way of doing this in his articulation of distinct reading, a specific form of analysis that focuses on larger unit and favour elements in order to reveal their overall interconnection, shapes, relations, structure and form, models.

Todd Presner briefly discusses three futures for comparative literature in the digital age. 

Comparative media studies:-

The 20th century opening the origin of comparative literary and textual study to field of art history, photography, film and television, digital media offer a more fundamental challenge since they not only transform the media exceptions built into the words we traditional study but also the scholarly environment that we inhabit, the analytic and technical tools that we employee to perform our research and platforms we use. 

Digital media are always already hypermedia and hypertextual. Theoder Nelson in his early articulations of the conceptual infrastructure for the world wide web. He called his invention the Evolutionary List File an interconnected, interlinked, hypermedia information system that could grow and proliferate as authors and readers added new material in an open ended authoring, curatorial and annotations environment.

Comparative media studies thus enable return to the same of the most fundamental questions of our field with new urgency: what is an author? What is work? What constitutes a text, particularly in an environment in which any taxes readerly and writerly by potentially anyone?

Comparative data studies:-

Lev Manovich and Noah Wardip-Fruin, the field of cultural analysis has emerged over the past five years to bring the tools of high and computational analysis and data visualisations to desert large scale cultural datasets. Search data sets might include historical data that have been digitised such as every short in the field of Vertov or Einstein, the covers and content of every margin and published in the United States in the 20th century. 

Jerome McGann argues with regard to the first in his elegant analysis of radian sexuality the differences between the Codex and electronic versions of the Oxford English dictionary for example illustrate that the electronic OED is a meta book consumed think that the chordex oedi provided and reorganised it at the higher level. 

The data of comparative data study is constantly expanding in terms of volume, data types, production and reception platform, and analytic strategy.

Comparative authorship and platform studies:-

While the radically "democratizing" claims of the web and information technology should certainly by critically interrogative, Todd Presner think that the lowered when compared to the world of print and more than that collaborative authorship peer to peer sharing of content and crowd source evolutions of data are the whole marks of the participatory web known as the world of web. 

We know longer just "browse" and passively consume predigested content but are actively engaged in the production, annotation, and evolutions of digital media and software thanks to the open source movement. James Boyle out, they are many corporate entities to regulate the public domain and control the "commons of the mind". For Boyle, the real danger is not on authorised file sharing but "failed sharing" due to enclosures and strictures placed upon the world of the creative comments.

While comparative literature scholarship has not generally consented to design, interactivity, navigation strategies, and collaboration, these issues are a decisive part of the domain of comparative authorship and platform studies. The knowledge platform cannot be simply "handed off" to the technicians, publishers, and librarians as if the curation of knowledge, the physical and virtual arrangement of information as an argument through multimedia constellations is somehow not the domain of literary scholars. 

Other academy platforms such as Grand Text Auto, USC's experimental authoring and collaboration platform "Scalar", Rice University press and MCKenzie Wark and Kathleen Fitzpatrick have even published early versions of the entire books on common press.

Wikipedia aur revolutionary knowledge production and editing platform. Wikipedia is already the most comprehensive representative and Participatory form for knowledge and production ever created by humankind. 


Todd Presner concluded by referring to Wikipedia and she suggesting that is actually a model for re-thinking collaborative research and disseminations of knowledge in the humanity and institutions Of higher learning which are all too often fixed on individual training, discrete discipline, and isolated

achievement, and accomplishment.

In her opinion that is worth some pose and reflection perhaps even by scholars in a future discipline incarnation of comparative literature. 

In this full article explanation see in this YouTube video. This Article is explained by Vachchalatta Joshi and Hirva Pandya students of the English department MKBU.

Comparative_Literature_in_the_Age_of_Digital_Humanities.pptx from VachchhalataJoshi

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